The last time I wrote I was quite pessimistic. I just pointed out the bad sides of living in a foreign country. This time though I'm going to write about the pluses of being a foreigner, which are at least two of them (they used to be three, but I forgot about the third, what may mean that it is not that important).
For the start I'm going to write about something I can't name, because lately I can't manage to remember a lot of words (maybe because of the holidays), so... The first good side of being a foreigner is that you get to know a completely different culture. You just see somethings with a different pair of glasses. You learn about the costumes and interests of the country you live in. For example, when I came to Poland I didn't use to wear slippers. I used to be on my sneakers or sandals in the whole house. Also another thing is that poles don't drink while eating their meals. In Mexico you always have some water or the most popular soda- Coca Cola. For me is almost imposible to eat without it, because I feel as if I were suffocating. However the poles don't have this need neither the one of using napkins. This for me is horrendous. I kind of eat like a pig, so whenever I'm munching my sandwich I need to have at least one napkin by my side. Polish people don't seem to have the urge to use them. On the contrary of me, they are neat and don't become dirty (or at least the people I got to know). I could keep going with the examples, but hey, I'm writting about the advantages of being a foreigner. What I wanted to say was that, thanks to the contact of differents cultures, you become an interesting person for the people around you and you become more knowledgeable, what open our minds and way of thinking.
The second one is that you appreciate more the things. You might ask why, but it is something that me, myself came to realize after arriving to Poland. And that is as simple as it's heard. When you live in a place since your birth, everything that surrounds you became something obvious like the fact that whenever a black cloud appears it means it will rain or as the case of the leaves turning yellow/orange when Autumn arrives or as the matter that there are cherries everywhere when it is Summer, what for poles is so undeniable as for us mexican eating each meal with tortilla (or at least most of them). Because of that, that it becomes an all days thing, we aren't able to appreciate the things that surround us. Living in a different place, that it's different from your country, helps you open the eyes and see more things than you did before. As they say "You never know what you have until you lose it". That's what happens in this case.
So summarizing, living in a different country teaches you a lot of value things. You get to know a new culture, what might open your horizons and think in a different way and you learn how to appreciate more the things that surround you. As I said in the begginig, my last article is quite pessimistic, but that doesn't mean, that I don't realize the good points. I can even say that I'm happy that I get to know a new world and that I'm glad I got that opportunity. It's just that sometimes I become melancholic and nostalgic, but I think, that it is something that all the foreigners suffer from. Concluding living in a different country has its pros and cons, but I might say that it has more good points that bad ones... What do you think?